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back out是什么意思,back out的翻译,back out音标、读音、

一:back out是什么意思,back out的翻译,back out音标、读音、的意思:

back out是什么意思,back out的翻译,back out音标、读音、

back out是一个动词短语,意为“退出;放弃;撤回”。在不同的语境下,它也可以表示“逃避责任”、“取消承诺”等含义。back out也可以作为名词,表示“退出;撤回”。


back out的音标为/bæk aʊt/。


1. back out作为动词时,常与介词of连用,表示“退出某事物”,:“他原本答应参加派对,但最后还是backed out of it.”(He had promised to come to the party but backed out of it in the end.)

2. back out也可以作为不及物动词使用,表示“退出某件事情”,:“她最后一刻决定不参加比赛,因此我们只能自己back out.”(She decided not to take part in the competition at the last minute, so we had to back out on our own.)

3. back out还可以表示“取消承诺”,:“他们本来答应帮忙,但最后却backed out on their promise.”(They had promised to help, but they backed out on their promise in the end.)

4. back out也可以指“逃避责任”,:“你不能总是在困难面前退缩。”(You can't always back out when things get tough.)

5. back out还可以表示“撤回”,:“他最后一刻决定back out of the deal.”(He decided to back out of the deal at the last minute.)


1. She had promised to help me move, but she backed out at the last minute.(她答应帮我搬家,但最后一刻却退出了。)

2. The company had to back out of the project due to financial difficulties.(由于财务困难,公司不得不退出这个项目。)

3. He was afraid of getting hurt, so he backed out of the dare.(他害怕受伤,所以退出了这项挑战。)

4. The politician backed out on his promise to lower taxes after being elected.(这位家在当选后放弃了降低税收的承诺。)

5. Don't be a coward and back out now, we need you in this fight!(别当懦夫,现在退出,我们在这场战斗中需要你!)


1. withdraw:表示“撤回;取消”、“退出”,常用于正式场合或文学作品中。

2. retreat:表示“撤退;退缩”,常用于或战略性的情况。

3. pull out:表示“撤出;退出”,语气较强烈,常用于紧急情况或决定性的行动。

4. opt out:表示“选择退出;放弃”,常用于指个人选择退出团体或组织。

5. give up:表示“放弃;抛弃”,语气较强烈,常用于指放弃努力或坚持。


back out是一个常用的动词短语,意为“退出;放弃;撤回”。它可以作为及物动词或不及物动词使用,也可以作为名词。在不同的语境下,它还可以表示“逃避责任”、“取消承诺”等含义。除了back out外,还有一些近义词可以替换使用,withdraw、retreat、pull out等。在写作中,我们应根据具体的语境和需要选择合适的同义词来表达自己想要表达的意思。


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