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avoidable什么意思? avoidable翻译(中文文):可避免的 hellip


二:读音为 [əˈvɔɪdəbəl]。


avoidable什么意思? avoidable翻译(中文文):可避免的 hellip

四:1. This mistake is avoidable if you pay attention to the details.(如果你注意细节,这个错误就可以避免。)

2. It is important to take steps to avoidable accidents in the workplace.(在工作场所采取措施以避免事故是很重要的。)

3. The government should take measures to reduce avoidable expenses in order to balance the budget.(应该采取措施减少可避免的开支,以平衡预算。)

4. The doctor emphasized the importance of a healthy lifestyle in preventing avoidable diseases.(医生强调了健康生活方式在预防可避免疾病方面的重要性。)

5. If we want to achieve success, we must learn to avoid avoidable mistakes and focus on our goals.(如果我们想要取得成功,就必须学会避免可避免的错误,专注于我们的目标。)


1. The accident was preventable if the driver had followed the traffic rules.(如果司机遵守交通规则,这起事故就可以被防止。)

2. The disaster was evitable if proper precautions had been taken.(如果采取了适当的预防措施,这场灾难就可以被避免。)

3. The consequences of climate change are not escapable unless we take action now.(除非我们立即采取行动,否则气候变化的后果是不可逃避的。)



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