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1. attain + 目标/成就/状态:指达到或者获得某个目标、成就或者状态。

- He finally attained his dream of becoming a doctor. (他终于实现了当医生的梦想。)

- The team has attained great success in the competition. (这支队伍在比赛中取得了巨大的成功。)

2. attain + 名词:指达到或者获得某种程度或者水平。

- She has attained a high level of proficiency in English. (她已经达到了高水平的英语能力。)

- The company has attained a certain degree of internationalization. (这家公司已经达到了一定程度的国际化。)

3. attain + 动名词:指通过努力或者学习来获得某种能力或者技能。

- He has attained a good understanding of the subject through hard work. (通过努力,他已经获得了对这门学科的良好理解。)

- She hopes to attain a better grasp of the language by attending language classes. (她希望通过参加语言课程来获得更好的语言掌握能力。)

4. attain + to + 名词:指达到某个目标或者状态。

- He has attained to a position of great influence in the company. (他已经达到了在公司拥有巨大影响力的位置。)

- The company has attained to a level of success that was once thought impossible. (这家公司已经达到了一种曾被认为不可能的成功水平。)


1. He finally attained his dream of becoming a doctor.


2. She has attained a high level of proficiency in English.


3. He has attained a good understanding of the subject through hard work.


4. The company has attained to a level of success that was once thought impossible.


5. She hopes to attain a better grasp of the language by attending language classes.



1. achieve:指通过努力或者行动来达到某个目标或者获得某种成就。

- The team achieved a historic victory in the final match. (这支队伍在决赛中取得了历史性的胜利。)

- She has achieved great success in her career. (她在事业上取得了巨大的成功。)

2. accomplish:指完成、实现某件事情或者达到某个目标。

- He was able to accomplish his mission within the given time frame. (他能够在规定的时间内完成他的任务。)

- The company has accomplished its goal of expanding into international markets. (这家公司已经实现了进入国际市场的目标。)

3. reach:指达到某个位置、状态或者水平。

- The climber finally reached the summit of Mount Everest. (登山者终于到达了珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰。)

- She has reached a high level of proficiency in French. (她已经达到了高水平的法语能力。)




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