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attack time是什么意思? attack time翻译(中文文):出动


attack time是什么意思? attack time翻译(中文文):出动

一、attack time是什么意思?

attack time是一个英文短语,意为“出动”或“进攻时间”。它通常用来形容行动或计划中的具体时间点。


attack [əˈtæk]

time [taɪm]


attack time常被用作名词短语,在句子中作主语、宾语或定语。:

- The attack time for the operation has been set for midnight.(这次行动的出动时间已定为午夜。)

- The soldiers were given a strict attack time to follow.(士们被给予了严格的出动时间来遵循。)


1. The attack time for the mission was carefully planned to ensure success.(这次任务的出动时间经过精心计划以确保成功。)

2. The enemy was caught off guard by the sudden attack time chosen by the army.(敌人被选择的突然出动时间打了个措手不及。)

3. The soldiers waited anxiously for the attack time, knowing that their lives were on the line.(士们焦急地等待着出动时间,知道他们的生命岌岌可危。)

4. The attack time was delayed due to bad weather conditions.(由于恶劣的天气条件,出动时间被推迟了。)

5. The commander gave the signal for the troops to start their attack at the designated attack time.(指挥官在指定的出动时间发出了开始进攻的信号。)


1. Assault time:与attack time意思相同,都是指行动或计划中的具体时间点。

2. Strike time:也可以用来表示“进攻时间”,但更常用来形容突然袭击或打击的时间。

3. Offensive time:通常用来描述行动中主动进攻的具体时间。

4. Onset time:也可以表示“进攻时间”,但更常用来形容疾病或症状发作的时间。

5. Launch time:与attack time意思相近,都是指发起行动或计划的具体时间。


Attack time是一个常见的英文短语,意为“出动”或“进攻时间”。它通常用来描述行动或计划中的具体时间点,并且可以作为名词在句子中充当不同角色。除了attack之外,还有一些近义词可以替换使用,如assault、strike、offensive、onset和launch等。熟练掌握这些同义词的用法可以丰富语言表达,提高写作水平。


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