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at last什么意思? at last翻译(中文文):终于 hellip

怎么读(音标):[æt lɑːst]

at last什么意思? at last翻译(中文文):终于 hellip

用法:at last是一个常用的短语,表示经过一段时间或一番努力后终于达成某事或发生某事。它可以作为插入语或者句首短语,强调某件事情的重要性和意义。

例句1:At last, I found the missing key under the sofa.(终于,在沙发下我找到了丢失的钥匙。)

例句2:After years of hard work, she at last achieved her dream of becoming a doctor.(经过多年的努力,她终于实现了成为一名医生的梦想。)

例句3:The movie was delayed for months, but at last it is finally released in theaters.(这部电影被推迟了几个月,但最终还是在影院上映了。)

例句4:At last, the truth was revealed and everyone was shocked.(最后,大白,所有人都感到震惊。)

例句5:I have been waiting for this moment for so long, and at last it has arrived.(我已经等待这一刻很久了,终于它来临了。)

同义词及用法:finally、eventually、ultimately、in the end等都可以替换at last使用,表示最终、最后。

编辑总结:at last是一个常用的短语,表示经过一段时间或一番努力后终于达成某事或发生某事。它可以用作插入语或者句首短语,强调某件事情的重要性和意义。同义词包括finally、eventually、ultimately、in the end等。


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