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asset turnover是什么意思,asset turnover的翻译,asset tu

一:asset turnover是什么意思,asset turnover的翻译,asset tu的意思

asset turnover是什么意思,asset turnover的翻译,asset tu

Asset turnover指的是资产周转率,也可以被称为资本周转率。它是一个衡量公司经营效率的指标,用来评估公司每一单位资产所产生的销售额。


/ˈæsɛt ˈtərnˌoʊvər/


Asset turnover通常被用来分析公司的财务状况和经营能力。它可以帮助投资者了解公司如何利用其资产来实现收益,并与同行业其他公司进行比较。较高的资产周转率通常被认为是一个积极的信号,表明公司能够有效地利用其资源来创造价值。


1. The company's asset turnover has been steadily increasing over the past year, indicating improved efficiency and profitability. (该公司的资产周转率在过去一年稳步增长,表明效率和盈利能力有所提高。)

2. A low asset turnover may be a red flag for investors, as it suggests that the company is not generating enough sales from its assets. (低资产周转率可能会引起投资者的惕,因为它表明该公司无法从其资产中获得足够的销售额。)

3. The asset turnover ratio can vary greatly between industries, so it is important to compare companies within the same sector. (资产周转率在不同行业之间可能存在很大差异,因此比较同一行业内的公司是很重要的。)

4. By improving their asset turnover, the company was able to increase their profits without having to invest in additional assets. (通过提高资产周转率,该公司能够增加利润而无需投资额外的资产。)

5. The asset turnover ratio is just one aspect of a company's financial health and should be considered alongside other factors such as profitability and liquidity. (资产周转率只是评估公司财务状况的一个方面,应该与盈利能力和流动性等其他因素一起考虑。)


1. Turnover rate: This term can also be used to refer to asset turnover, but it may also refer to employee turnover, which is the rate at which employees leave a company.

2. Asset utilization: This term refers to how efficiently a company uses its assets to generate revenue.

3. Capital turnover: Similar to asset turnover, this term refers to how effectively a company uses its capital (assets) to generate sales.

4. Revenue-to-asset ratio: This ratio measures how much revenue a company generates for every dollar of assets it owns.


Asset turnover是一个重要的财务指标,可以帮助投资者了解公司如何有效地利用其资源来创造价值。它可以作为衡量公司经营能力和盈利能力的指标,并与同行业其他公司进行比较。投资者应该注意,资产周转率只是公司财务状况的一个方面,还应该综合考虑其他因素来评估公司的健康状况。


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