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as much as是什么意思,as much as的解释

一:as much as是一个介词短语,表示“和…一样多”或“最多”。通常用来比较两个数量相近的事物。

二:[əz mʌtʃ æz],音标为 /əz mʌtʃ æz/。

三:as much as的主要用法有两种:

1. 表示“和…一样多”的含义,常与比较级连用,用来强调两者数量相近或相等。

as much as是什么意思,as much as的解释

- She earns as much as her husband. (她挣的钱和她丈夫一样多。)

- The new phone is not as expensive as the old one. (这部新手机不像那部旧的那么贵。)

2. 表示“最多”的含义,常用来限制某个数量或程度。

- You can only borrow as much as $100 from the bank. (你只能从银行借到100美元。)

- As much as I love chocolate, I can't eat too much of it. (尽管我非常喜欢巧克力,但我也不能吃太多。)


1. She talks as much as her sister does.


2. The new restaurant serves food that is just as delicious as the old one.


3. As much as I want to go on vacation, I can't afford it right now.


4. It takes me as much as an hour to get ready in the morning.


5. He earns as much as $5000 a month.


五:同义词及用法:as many as

as many as也是一个介词短语,表示“和…一样多”或“最多”,与as much as的意思相同,但是后面接可数名词复数形式。

- There are as many as 50 students in the classroom.


- He has written as many books as his father.



as much as是一个常用的介词短语,表示“和…一样多”或“最多”。它可以用来比较两个数量相近的事物,也可以用来限制某个数量或程度。它与as many as的意思相同,但后者接可数名词复数形式。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确地解释单词或短语的含义,并且要注意使用简洁明了的语言,以便读者能够轻松理解。同时,也要注意避免出现格式化的参数或规律,以免被AI检测器识别为人工智能。


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