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approve的音标为 /ə'pruːv/。



1. approve + of + 名词/代词:表示对某人或某事物的认可和赞同。

例句:I approve of your decision to go abroad for further studies.(我赞成你出国深造的决定。)

2. approve + 动词-ing:表示对某人或某事物正在进行的行为的认可和赞同。

例句:The committee approved increasing the budget for education.(批准增加教育预算。)

3. approve + that从句:表示对某件事情的认可和赞同。

例句:The board of directors approved that the company would expand its business in Asia.(董事会批准公司在亚洲扩大业务。)

4. approve + to do sth.: 表示被允许做某件事情。

例句:The principal approved him to take part in the school's talent show.(校长批准他参加学校的才艺表演。)

5. be approved: 被批准,被认可。

例句:The project was finally approved by the government.(该项目最终被批准。)


1. She asked her parents for their approval before she made the decision.(她在做决定前征得了父母的同意。)

2. The committee unanimously approved of the new policy proposed by the chairman.(一致赞成提出的新。)

3. I don't approve of your way of handling this matter.(我不赞成你处理这件事的方式。)

4. The board of directors approved that the company would merge with its compe.(董事会批准公司与竞争对手合并。)

5. He was very happy when his application for a loan was approved by the bank.(当银行批准他的贷款申请时,他非常高兴。)


1. agree with: 同意,赞成,认可。

例句:I agree with your opinion on this matter.(我同意你对这件事的看法。)

2. support: 支持,赞成,认可。

例句:The majority of people in this country support the government's decision to raise taxes on cigarettes and alcohol.(这个大多数人支持提高烟酒税的决定。)

3. endorse: 赞同,支持,认可。

例句:The famous actor endorsed the new product and it became an instant hit.(这位著名的演员推荐了这款新产品,它立刻大受欢迎。)

4. agree to: 同意,赞成,认可。

例句:I finally agreed to let my daughter go on a trip with her friends.(我最终同意让女儿和她的朋友一起出去旅行。)

5. ratify: 批准,认可。

例句:The treaty was ratified by both countries' governments.(条约得到了两国的批准。)


approve是一个常用的动词,意思是“同意,赞成,认可”。它可以用来表示对某件事物、想法或行为的认可和赞同。其常见用法有approve + of + 名词/代词、approve + 动词-ing、approve + that从句、approve + to do sth.以及be approved等。它与agree with、support、endorse等动词有着相似的意思,在不同场合可以互换使用。但是要注意它们之间仍然存在着一些细微的差别,需要根据具体语境选择合适的单词来表达自己想要表达的意思。


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