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appetite是什么意思? appetite翻译(中文文):食欲, 胃口,

一:appetite是什么意思? appetite翻译(中文文):食欲, 胃口,

appetite是什么意思? appetite翻译(中文文):食欲, 胃口,



英 [ˈæpɪtaɪt] 美 [ˈæpətaɪt]


1. 指对食物或其他事物的欲望或需要:He has a big appetite for adventure.(他对冒险有着很大的渴望。)

2. 指身体需要摄入营养物质的程度:The medication can help to stimulate your appetite.(这种药可以帮助刺激你的食欲。)

3. 指一种强烈的渴望或兴趣:She has an insatiable appetite for knowledge.(她对知识有着无法满足的渴望。)

4. 在医学上,指一个人身体需要摄入营养物质的程度:The patient's appetite has decreased due to the illness.(由于疾病,患者的食欲减少了。)


1. My appetite for sweets has increased since I started my new job.(自从我开始新工作以来,我对甜食的欲望增加了。)

2. The smell of the food aroused my appetite.(食物的香味激发了我的食欲。)

3. She has a healthy appetite and can finish a large meal in no time.(她有着健康的胃口,可以很快地吃完一顿大餐。)

4. The medication helped to improve his appetite and he started to gain weight.(这种药帮助他改善了食欲,他开始增重了。)

5. He has an insatiable appetite for success and is always striving for more.(他对成功有着无法满足的渴望,总是在追求更多。)


1. Hunger:指身体需要摄入营养物质的程度,强调生理上的需求。

例句:I have a hunger for knowledge and always try to learn something new every day.

2. Craving:指强烈的渴望或欲望,通常用于指对某种特定事物的渴求。

例句:She has a craving for chocolate and can't resist it whenever she sees it.

3. Longing:指强烈的渴望或向往,通常用于指对某种事物或情感的追求。

例句:He has a longing for his hometown and often talks about going back.

4. Desire:指对某种事物的强烈欲望,也可以指对某种情感的追求。

例句:She has a strong desire to travel around the world and experience different cultures.




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