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appeal to是什么意思,appeal to的解释

一:appeal to是什么意思,appeal to的解释

appeal to是一个动词短语,意为“吸引、呼吁、恳求”,常用于形容某事物对他人的吸引力或者说服力。在英语中,appeal也可以作为名词使用,表示“呼吁、上诉、魅力”。

appeal to是什么意思,appeal to的解释


[əˈpiːl tuː]


1. appeal to sb./sth. (for sth.) 向某人/某事物(请求)得到某物

例句:She appealed to the public for donations to help the homeless children.(她向公众呼吁捐款来帮助无家可归的孩子们。)

2. appeal to sb./sth. (to do sth.) 呼吁某人/某事物做某事

例句:The organization appealed to the government to take immediate action against pollution.(该组织呼吁立即采取行动来对抗污染。)

3. appeal (to sb.) (against/to sb./sth.) 上诉(反对/向…上诉)

例句:He has decided to appeal against the court's decision.(他决定上诉的判决。)

4. have/be of appeal 具有魅力

例句:The new fashion style has a wide appeal among young people.(这种新的时尚风格在年轻人中具有很大的吸引力。)

5. appeal to sb.'s sense of sth. 吸引某人的…感

例句:The advertisement appeals to people's sense of beauty.(这则广告吸引了人们对美的感觉。)


1. The new movie appeals to a wide audience with its gripping storyline and talented actors.(这部新电影凭借扣人心弦的故事情节和才华横溢的演员吸引了广大观众。)

2. The charity organization appealed to the government for more funding to support their cause.(慈善组织向呼吁提供更多资金来支持他们的事业。)

3. The lawyer appealed to the jury's emotions in order to win the case.(律师通过呼吁陪审团的感情来赢得这个案件。)

4. The new product design has a strong appeal to young consumers with its trendy and modern features.(这款新产品设计以其时尚和现代的特点对年轻消费者具有强烈的吸引力。)

5. The defendant has decided to appeal against the court's decision, claiming that it was unjust and biased.(被告决定上诉的判决,声称它是不公正和偏袒的。)


1. attract:吸引,常用于描述某物对他人的吸引力,与appeal to意思相近但语气更强烈。

2. entice:诱惑,表示通过诱惑来吸引某人做某事。

3. persuade:说服,表示通过说服来影响某人做某事。

4. allure:吸引力,常用于形容某物对他人的迷人之处。

5. charm:魅力,通常指具有吸引力的特质或者个性。


appeal to是一个常用的动词短语,在日常生活中经常出现。它可以用来描述某事物对他人的吸引力或者说服力,也可以表示向某人请求或者呼吁。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词替换使用,从而丰富文章表达。


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