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anthomaniac是什么意思? anthomaniac翻译(中文文):花痴,

一:anthomaniac是什么意思? anthomaniac翻译(中文文):花痴,指的是对花卉的热爱和迷恋,以及对花卉的过度关注和沉迷的人。



anthomaniac是什么意思? anthomaniac翻译(中文文):花痴,


1. She is an anthomaniac, her house is filled with all kinds of flowers. 她是个花痴,她家里到处都是各种各样的花。

2. He has spent all his savings on buying rare flowers, he is a true anthomaniac. 他把所有积蓄都花在了买稀有花卉上,他真是个地道的花痴。

3. The anthomaniac was so obsessed with flowers that he even named his children after different types of flowers. 这个花痴对于花卉如此着迷,以至于连他的孩子的名字都是以不同的花卉命名的。

4. Her anthomaniac behavior has caused her to neglect her work and family. 她过度沉迷于花卉,导致她忽视了工作和家庭。

5. The flower exhibition attracted many anthomaniacs who were eager to see the rare and exotic flowers on display. 花展吸引了许多渴望看到陈列的稀有和异国情调花卉的花痴们。

五:同义词及用法:anthomaniac的同义词包括florist、flower lover、flower enthusiast等。它们都指的是对花卉有着强烈兴趣和热爱的人。但是,与anthomaniac不同的是,这些词并没有强调过度关注和沉迷的程度。



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