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analog什么意思? analog翻译(中文文):类似物, 相似体 hellip



analog什么意思? analog翻译(中文文):类似物, 相似体 hellip

例句1:His paintings are an analog to the works of Picasso. (他的画作与毕加索的作品相似。)

例句2:The digital version of the book is not as popular as its analog counterpart. (这本书的数字版没有它的纸质版那么受欢迎。)

例句3:Some people still prefer the analog sound of vinyl records over digital music. (有些人仍然更喜欢黑胶唱片的模拟声音而不是数字音乐。)

例句4:The new system is an analog of the old one, but with improved features. (这个新是旧的类似物,但具有改进功能。)

例句5:The company's approach to customer service is more analog than digital, relying on personal interactions rather than automated responses. (这家公司对客户服务的方式更像是模拟而非数字化,依靠个人互动而不是自动回复。)

同义词及用法:similar, comparable, equivalent, corresponding

编辑总结:analog一词可以用来描述两个事物之间的相似性,也可以指代一种比较传统的方法或者。它的同义词有similar, comparable, equivalent和corresponding。在使用时,需要根据语境来确定其具体含义。


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