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allude什么意思? allude翻译(中文文):暗指, 影射, 间接

一:allude什么意思? allude翻译(中文文):暗指, 影射, 间接的意思。


allude什么意思? allude翻译(中文文):暗指, 影射, 间接




1. allude作为动词使用,后接介词to或者介词on,表示暗示、影射或间接提及某事物。

- She alluded to her difficult childhood in her speech.(她在演讲中暗指了她艰难的童年。)

- He often alludes to his travels in his novels.(他经常在小说中提及他的旅行。)

2. allude也可以作为不及物动词使用,表示暗示或者影射。

- The author alludes to the famous painting in his description of the scene.(作者在描写场景时暗指了一幅著名的画作。)

- The politician's speech was full of allusions to historical events.(家的演讲充满了对历史的影射。)

3. allude还可以作为名词使用,表示暗示或影射的事物。

- The poem is full of allusions to Greek mythology.(这首诗充满了对希腊神话的暗指。)


1. The teacher alluded to the importance of studying hard for the upcoming exam.(老师暗指了备考重要性。)

2. In his speech, the president alluded to the economic challenges facing the country.(在演讲中提及了面临的经济挑战。)

3. The novel is full of allusions to Shakespeare's works.(这部小说充满了对莎士比亚作品的影射。)

4. She didn't directly mention her ex-husband, but she alluded to him several times in her story.(她没有直接提及她的前夫,但在故事中多次暗指他。)

5. The painting contains subtle allusions to the artist's personal struggles and emotions.(这幅画作含蓄地暗示了艺术家的个人挣扎和情感。)


1. imply:意为“暗示,含有意思”。与allude相似,但imply更常用于直接表达某种意思。

- His tone implied that he was not satisfied with my performance.


2. hint:意为“暗示,示意”。与allude相似,但hint更加强调含蓄和间接。

- The boss hinted at the possibility of a promotion for me.(老板暗示我可能会被提升。)

3. suggest:意为“建议,暗示”。与allude相似,但suggest更多用于提出建议或者引起思考。

- The professor suggested that the students read more to improve their writing skills.(教授建议学生多读书来提高写作能力。)




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