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allocate什么意思? allocate翻译(中文文):分派, 分配 hellip


allocate什么意思? allocate翻译(中文文):分派, 分配 hellip


例句1:The manager will allocate the budget for next year's project.(经理将会为明年的项目分配预算。)

例句2:The teacher will allocate different roles to each student for the group project.(老师将会为每个学生在小组项目中分派不同的角色。)

例句3:The government has allocated funds for the renovation of public schools.(已经拨款用于公立学校的翻新。)

例句4:We need to allocate more time for this task in order to finish it on time.(我们需要为这项任务安排更多时间以便按时完成。)

例句5:The company will allocate bonuses based on employees' performance.(公司将根据员工的表现来分配奖金。)

同义词及用法:assign(v. 分配)、distribute(v. 分发)、apportion(v. 分摊)、allot(v. 分配)、allocate resources/funds/time/roles (分配资源/资金/时间/角色)



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