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all at once是什么意思? all at once翻译(中文文):突然

怎么读(音标):[ɔːl æt wʌns]

用法:all at once可以作为一个副词短语,表示“突然”、“一下子”、“同时”,也可以作为一个形容词短语,表示“突然的”。


1. All at once, the lights went out and we were plunged into darkness. 突然,灯灭了,我们陷入了黑暗中。

all at once是什么意思? all at once翻译(中文文):突然

2. She burst into tears all at once when she heard the news. 当她听到这个消息时,她突然哭了起来。

3. The children all started talking at once, making it impossible to understand anything they were saying. 孩子们都同时开始说话,让人无法理解他们在说什么。

4. The company announced a new policy all at once, surprising its employees. 公司突然宣布了一项新,让员工感到惊讶。

5. I can't do everything all at once, I need some time to prioritize my tasks. 我不能一次做完所有事情,我需要一些时间来安排任务的优先顺序。


1. suddenly:表示“突然”,常用于句首或句末。:Suddenly, she realized she had forgotten her keys.

2. immediately:表示“立刻”,强调动作的迅速性。:I need this report immediately.

3. abruptly:表示“突然地”,常用于句首或句末。:Abruptly, she sped talking and walked out of the room.

4. all of a sudden:表示“突然间”,与all at once意思相同,常用于口语中。:All of a sudden, the car sped working.

5. in an instant:表示“瞬间”,强调动作的迅速性。:In an instant, everything changed.


all at once是一个常用的表达方式,可以表示突然发生的事情或者同时发生的多件事情。在写作时,可以根据具体语境来选择合适的同义词替换,以避免重复使用。同时,也可以根据需要将其作为副词或形容词使用,增加句子表达的灵活性。总之,在使用all at once时要注意语境和搭配,以确保表达准确清晰。


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