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1. leave是动词,表示离开或者放弃某人或某物。:I have to leave this place tomorrow.(我明天必须离开这个地方。)

2. leave的用法和例句读音读法:[liːv],英式发音为/liːv/,美式发音为/liːv/。

3. leave的用法和例句的用例:

例句1:She decided to leave her job and travel around the world.(她决定辞职去环游世界。)

例句2:Please don't leave me alone in this big city.(请不要把我一个人留在这个大城市。)

例句3:They left their hometown and moved to a new country for a better life.(他们离开了故乡,搬到了一个新的过上更好的生活。)

例句4:He left his phone at home by accident.(他不小心把手机落在家里了。)

例句5:The train will leave at 8 o'clock in the morning.(火车将在早上8点出发。)

4. leave是动词,可与其他词组合成新的词汇,如:

- leftover: 剩余的

- leaver: 离开者

- leavetaking: 告别

- leaven: 发酵剂

5. leave是动词,在中文中有时也可以翻译为“留下”,:

- leave a message: 留言

- leave a good impression: 留下好印象

- leave a legacy: 留下遗产

6. leave的用法和例句的中英文对照:

- I have to leave this place tomorrow. 我明天必须离开这个地方。

- She decided to leave her job and travel around the world. 她决定辞职去环游世界。

- Please don't leave me alone in this big city. 请不要把我一个人留在这个大城市。

- They left their hometown and moved to a new country for a better life. 他们离开了故乡,搬到了一个新的过上更好的生活。

- He left his phone at home by accident. 他不小心把手机落在家里了。

- The train will leave at 8 o'clock in the morning. 火车将在早上8点出发。

总结:leave是一个常用的动词,它可以表示离开或放弃某人或某物。它的用法简单,但是可以与其他词组合成新的词汇,如leftover, leaver等。在中文中有时也可以翻译为“留下”。使用时需要注意动词的时态和语态,以及搭配的介词。


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