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alarm什么意思? alarm翻译(中文文):警报, 惊慌, 警告 hellip

一:alarm什么意思? alarm翻译(中文文):报, 惊慌, 告 hellip

alarm什么意思? alarm翻译(中文文):警报, 惊慌, 警告 hellip



英 [əˈlɑːm] 美 [əˈlɑrm]


1. 作为名词时,alarm可以指一种或装置,用来发出报声以提醒人们注意危险或紧急情况。:The fire alarm went off and everyone rushed out of the building. (火灾报响了,大家都赶紧从建筑物里跑出来。)

2. 作为动词时,alarm可以指发出报声或使人惊慌不安。:The loud noise alarmed the birds and they flew away. (巨大的噪音让鸟儿感到惊慌不安,它们飞走了。)


1. The alarm clock rang at six o'clock in the morning, waking me up from my sleep. (闹钟在早上六点响起,把我从睡梦中唤醒。)

2. The security guard sounded the alarm when he saw someone trying to break into the building. (保安看到有人试图闯入建筑物时,立刻发出了报。)

3. The news of the earthquake alarmed the residents and they quickly evacuated to a safer place. (地震的消息让居民们感到惊慌,他们迅速撤离到一个更安全的地方。)

4. The loud noise from the construction site alarmed the neighbors and they called the police. (建筑工地传来的巨大噪音让邻居们感到惊慌,他们报了。)

5. The smoke alarm in our house went off when I accidentally burned a piece of toast. (我不小心把一片面包烤焦时,我们家的烟雾报器响了起来。)


1. alert: 戒、提醒、觉。:Be alert for any suspicious activities in your neighborhood. (对你所在社区内的任何可疑活动保持觉。)

2. warning: 告、告诫、预兆。:The government issued a warning about the approaching typhoon. (发布了一条关于即将来袭台风的预。)

3. signal: 信号、暗示、示意。:The referee blew his whistle as a signal for the players to start the game. (裁判吹响哨子作为球员开始比赛的信号。)




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