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airship什么意思? airship翻译(中文文):飞艇, 飞船 hellip



airship什么意思? airship翻译(中文文):飞艇, 飞船 hellip

例句:1. The airship glided gracefully through the clouds. (飞艇优雅地滑过云层。)

2. The Hindenburg was a famous airship that caught fire in 1937. (1937年著名的飞艇“兴登堡号”发生了火灾。)

3. The company is investing in new technology to improve the safety of their airships. (该公司正在投资新技术来提高飞艇的安全性。)

4. The airship was used for transportation and surveillance during World War II. (这种飞艇在第二次世界大战期间被用于运输和监视。)

5. The futuristic design of the airship captured everyone's attention at the airshow. (这种飞艇未来主义的设计吸引了所有人在航展上的注意力。)

同义词及用法:dirigible, blimp, zeppelin

编辑总结:airship是指一种能够在大气中飞行的飞行器,通常由气囊和机翼组成。它可以用于运输、监视、等领域,并且具有未来主义的设计特点。它的同义词有dirigible, blimp和zeppelin。


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