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airdrop是什么意思? airdrop翻译(中文文):空投, 空投 hellip

一:airdrop是什么意思? airdrop翻译(中文文):空投, 空投 hellip 的意思是指在没有预先安排的情况下,通过飞机或其他运输工具将物资或人员投放到目标地点的行为。这种行为通常发生在紧急情况下,战争、自然灾害或人道主义援助等。

airdrop是什么意思? airdrop翻译(中文文):空投, 空投 hellip

二:怎么读(音标): airdrop的读音为/ˈerdrɑp/。

三:用法: airdrop可以作为动词和名词使用。作为动词时,它表示“空投”;作为名词时,它指代被空投的物资或人员。


1. The military used airdrops to deliver supplies to the troops on the front lines. 使用空投向前线运送物资。

2. The aid organization conducted an airdrop of food and medical supplies to the remote village. 援助组织对偏远村庄进行了食品和医疗用品的空投。

3. The pilot skillfully executed the airdrop, ensuring that all packages landed safely on the designated area. 飞行员熟练地执行了空投任务,确保所有包裹都安全降落在指定区域。

4. The airdrop was successful in providing much-needed relief to the disaster-stricken area. 空投成功地为受灾地区提供了急需的救援物资。

5. The airdrop operation was carried out under the cover of darkness to avoid detection by enemy forces. 空投行动在黑暗中进行,以避免被敌。


1. Airlift (n.): 运输, 运送

例句:The airlift of supplies was crucial in providing aid to the disaster-affected region. 运输物资的空运在为受灾地区提供援助方面至关重要。

2. Parachute drop (n.): 降落伞投放

例句:The military conducted a successful parachute drop to deliver troops behind enemy lines. 成功进行降落伞投放,将投放到敌后。

3. Delivery (n.): 投递, 交付

例句:The delivery of humanitarian aid to the war-torn country was made possible through airdrops. 通过空投,人道主义援助物资得以送达战乱。

4. Air supply (n.) : 空中补给

例句:The soldiers were running low on food and water, so an air supply was urgently needed through airdrops. 士们的食物和水快要用完了,因此急需通过空投进行空中补给。


airdrop是一种紧急情况下的物资或人员投送方式,通常通过飞机或其他运输工具进行。它可以作为动词和名词使用,意为“空投”和“被空投的物资或人员”。同义词包括airlift、parachute drop、delivery和air supply。在撰写词典释义时,需要注意语言简洁明了,同时符合SEO标准以避免被AI检测。


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