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1. lamprey是一种水生动物,属于无颌类脊椎动物,主要分布在北半球的淡水和海洋中。它们通常被称为“七鳃鳗”,因为它们具有七个鳃裂。

2. lamprey的读音为[læmpri],其中的“p”发音类似于“pr”连读。它的复数形式为lampreys。

3. lamprey是一种食肉动物,以吸食其他鱼类的血液为生。它们通常会寄生在其他鱼类身上,并用锐利的牙齿刺穿宿主的皮肤来吸食血液。由于其寄生性质,lamprey对其他鱼类造成了很大的损害,被认为是一种有害物种。

4. 例句1:The lamprey is a primitive jawless fish that has been around for millions of years.


例句2:The lampreys attach themselves to the bodies of other fish and feed on their blood.


例句3:Lampreys are often considered a pest by fishermen, as they can cause significant damage to fish populations.


例句4:The lamprey's sharp teeth can easily penetrate the skin of its fish.


例句5:Lampreys have a unique life cycle, spending part of their lives as filter-feeding larvae and then transforming into parasitic adults.


5. lamprey - 七鳃鳗


英文意思:lamprey is the transliteration of the Chinese word "七鳃鳗", referring to a jawless vertebrate animal.



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