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against the current的翻译解释和例句-抓鸟(中文意思,

against the current是一个英语短语,意为“逆流而行”。它的字面意思是指与水流方向相反,也可以用来比喻指与主流思想或行为相悖。这个短语通常用来形容一个人或团体的行为,表示他们在某种情况下与大多数人不同的做法。

读音:[əˈɡenst ðə ˈkʌrənt]

against the current的翻译解释和例句-抓鸟(中文意思,

用法:against the current通常用作副词短语,放在动词之后,表示某人或某团体在某种情况下与大多数人不同的做法。也可以用作形容词短语,放在名词之前,表示某事物与主流思想或行为相悖。


1. Despite facing many challenges, she continued to swim against the current and eventually achieved her dream of becoming a professional athlete.(尽管面临着许多挑战,她仍然坚持逆流而行,并最终实现了成为职业运动员的梦想。)

2. The young artist refused to conform to the mainstream style and instead chose to go against the current, creating unique and thought-provoking artworks.(这位年轻艺术家拒绝遵循主流风格,选择逆流而行,创作出独特且发人深省的作品。)

3. In a society where materialism is prevalent, it takes courage to go against the current and live a simple and meaningful life.(在一个物欲横流的社会,要逆流而行,过着简单而有意义的生活需要勇气。)

4. The politician's views were often against the current, but he never wavered in his beliefs and always stood up for what he thought was right.(这位家的观点常常与主流相悖,但他从不动摇自己的信念,总是坚持自己认为正确的事情。)

5. The company's decision to go against the current and invest in renewable energy sources has been met with skepticism, but they are determined to make a positive impact on the environment.(公司决定逆流而行,在可再生能源上投资,虽然受到怀疑,但他们决心对环境产生积极影响。)

同义词及用法:与against the current意思相近的短语还有against the tide、against the stream等,它们都表示“逆流而行”的意思。

编辑总结:against the current是一个形容某人或某团体在某种情况下与大多数人不同做法的短语。它可以用作副词短语或形容词短语,通常放在动词之后或名词之前。除了表示与水流方向相反,也可以比喻指与主流思想或行为相悖。在日常生活中,我们可以用它来形容一个人或团体的勇气和坚持不懈的。


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