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afresh什么意思? afresh翻译(中文文):重新, 再度 hellip



afresh什么意思? afresh翻译(中文文):重新, 再度 hellip

例句1:After their argument, they decided to start afresh and rebuild their friendship.


例句2:She wiped her tears away and took a deep breath, ready to face the challenge afresh.


例句3:The company is going through a restructuring process in order to start afresh and improve its performance.


例句4:I failed my first attempt, but I'm determined to try afresh and pass the exam this time.


例句5:The artist painted over the canvas, starting afresh with a new idea in mind.


同义词及用法:anew、again、from scratch、freshly等都可以替换afresh使用。



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