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affirmation什么意思? affirmation翻译(中文文):断言,


affirmation什么意思? affirmation翻译(中文文):断言,


例句1:His constant affirmation of her talents gave her the confidence to pursue her dreams.(他不断肯定她的才华,给了她追求梦想的信心。)

例句2:The company's success is a direct affirmation of their hard work and dedication.(公司的成功直接肯定了他们的辛勤工作和投入。)

例句3:The affirmation of the judge's ruling by the higher court was a relief for the defendant.(高等对裁决的肯定是被告人的一种解脱。)

例句4:Her constant affirmation of her love for him made him feel secure in their relationship.(她不断肯定对他的爱让他在两人关系中感到安全。)

例句5:The affirmation from her boss was just what she needed to boost her confidence in her abilities.(老板的肯定正是她需要提升自信心的东西。)


1. Assertion (n.) – a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.

Synonyms: declaration, proclamation, avowal

Example: Her assertion that she was innocent was met with skepticism by the jury.

2. Confirmation (n.) – the action of confirming something or the state of being confirmed.

Synonyms: verification, validation, corroboration

Example: The confirmation of his alibi proved his innocence.

3. Endorsement (n.) – a statement of support or approval.

Synonyms: recommendation, sanction, backing

Example: The endorsement from the celebrity boosted the sales of the product.

4. Affirmation (n.) – the action or process of affirming something.

Synonyms: confirmation, validation, ratification

Example: The affirmation of their friendship was evident in their constant support for each other.

5. Assertion (n.) – a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.

Synonyms: declaration, proclamation, avowal

Example: Her assertion that she was innocent was met with skepticism by the jury.




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