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1. 他的lechery让他成为了村里的笑柄。

2. 她被那个老头子的lechery吓得不敢再去那家超市购物。

3. 这部电影充斥着场面和lechery行为,让人不敢带孩子一起观看。

4. 他因为自己的lechery而被解雇了。

5. 虽然她知道丈夫有着强烈的性欲,但她无法忍受他的lechery。


1. 组词:lecherous (adj.) 淫荡的;放纵性欲的

2. lecher (n.) 好色之徒;淫荡男子

3. lecherously (adv.) 淫荡地;放纵地

4. lecherousness (n.) 淫荡;放纵性欲的状态

5. unlechery (adj.) 非放纵性欲的;无情欲的



lechery is a derogatory term that refers to excessive sexual desire and indulgent behavior. It is often used to describe someone who is overly focused on sexual gratification and disregards moral and ethical boundaries. This behavior can often cause discomfort or even harm to others.

The pronunciation of lechery is /'letʃəri/, pronounced as [LECH-uh-ree]. The first syllable is pronounced as "let", the second syllable as "ch", and the last syllable as "ree". The stress is on the first syllable.

Here are some examples of how to use lechery in sentences:

1. His lechery made him the laughing stock of the village.

2. She was too scared to go back to that supermarket because of the owner's lechery.

3. The movie was filled with scenes of lechery and was not suitable for children.

4. He was fired because of his lechery.

5. Although she knew her husband had a strong sexual desire, she couldn't tolerate his lechery.

Other words related to lechery include:

1. Lecherous (adj.) - lustful; indulging in sexual desires

2. Lecher (n.) - a person with strong sexual desires; a debauched man

3. Lecherously (adv.) - in a lustful or indulgent manner

4. Lecherousness (n.) - the state of being lecherous; indulgence in sexual desires

5. Unlechery (adj.) - without sexual desires; devoid of lust

In conclusion, lechery is a negative term that describes excessive and immoral sexual behavior. It is important to understand the difference between healthy sexual desire and harmful lechery, and to respect the boundaries and consent of others in any situation involving sexuality.


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