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adverse什么意思? adverse翻译(中文文):不利的, 敌对的


adverse什么意思? adverse翻译(中文文):不利的, 敌对的


例句1:The company is facing adverse economic conditions due to the pandemic. (由于,该公司面临着不利的经济状况。)

例句2:The government's new policies have had an adverse effect on small businesses. (的新对小型企业产生了不利影响。)

例句3:His adverse attitude towards the project caused delays and conflicts. (他对这个项目持敌对态度,导致了延误和。)

例句4:The team had to overcome many adverse circumstances to win the championship. (这个团队必须克服许多不利因素才能赢得冠。)

例句5:Exercising regularly can help prevent adverse health conditions. (定期锻炼可以帮助预防不良的健康状况。)


1. Unfavorable - 不利的,负面的

- The weather conditions were unfavorable for outdoor activities. (天气条件对户外活动来说是不利的。)

- The candidate's unfavorable reputation led to his defeat in the election. (候选人不良的声誉导致他在中失败。)

2. Hostile - 敌意的,敌对的

- The country is facing ile threats from its neighboring nation. (这个正面临来自邻国的敌意威胁。)

- The two teams have a long history of ile competition. (这两个团队有着长期的敌对竞争关系。)

3. Adversarial - 对抗性的,敌对的

- The two parties have an adversarial relationship and rarely agree on anything. (这两个政党之间有着对抗性的关系,很少达成一致。)

- The legal system is designed to handle adversarial disputes between individuals or organizations. (法律制度旨在处理个人或组织之间的对抗性纠纷。)

4. Detrimental - 有害的,不利的

- Smoking has been proven to be detrimental to one's health. (吸烟已被证明对健康有害。)

- The company's decision to cut costs had a detrimental effect on employee morale. (公司决定削减成本对员工士气产生了不利影响。)

编辑总结:Adverse是一个形容词,用来描述不利的或者敌对的情况。它可以用来形容物质条件、态度、影响等方面,常常与经济、、健康等话题相关。同义词包括unfavorable, ile, adversarial和detrimental,但每个词都有其特定的用法和含义,在使用时需要根据语境选择合适的词汇。总的来说,Adverse是一个非常常用的词汇,掌握好它的用法可以帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思。


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