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1. licentious是指某人或某物放纵的、放肆的、无法无天的。在这个词中,licentious来自于late Latin中的licentiosus,意为“放肆的、放纵的”,后来演变成了现在的形式。:His licentious behavior has caused a lot of trouble for his family.(他放荡不羁的行为给他家庭带来了很多麻烦。)

2. licentious也可以用作名词,指某人放纵自己欲望、缺乏道德约束的行为。:The movie portrays a world of licentiousness and excess.(这部电影描绘了一个充满放荡和过度消费的世界。)

3. 读音:[laɪˈsɛnʃəs]。

4. 例句:

(1) She was known for her licentious lifestyle, always partying and dating different men.


(2) The novel is a scathing commentary on the licentiousness of the upper class.


(3) The king's licentious behavior was a source of scandal in the kingdom.


(4) The licentious atmosphere of the club made her feel uncomfortable.


(5) His licentious actions were a reflection of his lack of self-control.


5. 组词:licentiously (adv. 放肆地,放纵地), licentiousness (n. 放肆,放纵), licentiousness (adj. 放肆的,放纵的).

6. 中英文对照:


英文:Licentious refers to someone or something that is unrestrained, wanton, and without moral constraints.

中文:His licentious behavior has caused a lot of trouble for his family.


中文:The movie portrays a world of licentiousness and excess.


中文:She was known for her licentious lifestyle, always partying and dating different men.


中文:The novel is a scathing commentary on the licentiousness of the upper class.


中文:The king's licentious behavior was a source of scandal in the kingdom.


中文:The licentious atmosphere of the club made her feel uncomfortable.


中文:His licentious actions were a reflection of his lack of self-control.


7. 总结:

licentious一词指某人或某物放纵的、放肆的、无法无天的。它可以用作形容词,也可以用作名词。其来源于late Latin中的licentiosus,意为“放肆的、放纵的”。该词在句子中常用来描述某人或某物缺乏道德约束、行为不受限制。读音为[laɪˈsɛnʃəs]。例句中展示了该词在不同语境下的用法,同时提供了相关词汇和中英文对照,帮助读者更好地理解和运用该词。总的来说,licentious是一个形容人或事物放纵、放肆的负面词汇,用于描述某种不受约束的行为。


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