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ado什么意思? ado翻译(中文文):纷扰, 忙乱, Ad hellip



例句:1. All this ado is making me anxious. (所有这些纷扰让我感到焦虑。)

ado什么意思? ado翻译(中文文):纷扰, 忙乱, Ad hellip

2. Let's get on with it and s all this ado. (让我们继续做下去,别再闹这么多了。)

3. The whole ado was caused by a simple misunderstanding. (整个纷扰都是由一个简单的误解引起的。)

4. She was in a state of constant ado, trying to finish all her work before the deadline. (她一直处于忙乱之中,努力在截止日期前完成所有工作。)

5. The children were creating a lot of ado, running around and screaming in the playground. (孩子们在操场上跑来跑去、大声喊叫,闹出了很多纷扰。)

同义词及用法:fuss, commotion, turmoil, bustle, stir等都可以作为ado的同义词使用,表示“骚动”、“混乱”的意思。



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