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作为形容词,adoptive通常放在名词前面,表示“收养的”。:“adoptive parents”(收养父母),“an adoptive family”(一个收养的家庭)。

作为名词,adoptive可以指代被收养的孩子。:“The adoptive is a bright and happy child.”(这个被收养的孩子聪明又开心。)


1. My sister and her husband have always wanted to have children, but unfortunately they couldn't conceive. So they decided to become adoptive parents and give a loving home to a child in need.(我姐姐和她丈夫一直想要孩子,但是不幸的是他们无法怀孕。所以他们决定成为收养父母,给一个需要爱的孩子一个温暖的家。)

2. The adoptive mother was overjoyed when she received the news that the adoption process was successful and she could finally bring her daughter home.(收养母亲收到收养程序成功的消息时非常高兴,她终于可以把女儿带回家了。)

3. The adoptive parents had to go through a rigorous screening process before they were approved to adopt a child.(这对收养父母在被批准收养孩子之前必须经过严格的筛选程序。)

4. The adoptive family was determined to give their adopted son all the love and support he needed to thrive in his new home.(这个收养的家庭决心给他们收养的儿子所有他所需要的爱和支持,让他在新家中茁壮成长。)

5. Despite being an adoptive child, she never felt any different from her siblings and always felt loved and accepted by her family.(尽管是一个被收养的孩子,她从来没有感觉和她的兄弟姐妹不同,总是感受到家人对她的爱和接纳。)


1. Adopted: 与adoptive意思相同,作为形容词表示“被收养的”,作为动词表示“采用、接受”。

例句:He was adopted by a loving family when he was just a baby.


2. Foster: 作为形容词表示“寄养的、代养的”,作为动词表示“寄养、代养”。

例句:The foster parents took great care of the child until he was adopted by a permanent family.


3. Guardian: 作为名词表示“监护人、保护人”。

例句:The adoptive parents became the legal guardians of the child after the adoption process was finalized.


4. Parental: 作为形容词表示“父母的、亲职的”。

例句:The adoptive parents showed great parental love and care towards their adopted children.


5. Custodial: 作为形容词表示“监管的、保管的”。

例句:After the death of his parents, the child was placed in the custodial care of his aunt and uncle.





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