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1. laughing是指发出笑声或表示开心的动作。正确发音为/ˈlæfɪŋ/。

2. laughing的读音为/læfɪŋ/,重音在第一个音节。

3. 用例:

- She couldn't s laughing when she saw the funny video.

- The children were all laughing and playing in the park.

- He burst out laughing when he heard the joke.

- We had a great time together, chatting and laughing all night.

- The comedian's jokes had everyone in the audience laughing hysterically.

4. 组词:

- belly-laughing (大笑)

- laughable (可笑的)

- laughingly (嘲笑地)

- laugh track (电视连续剧中的笑声记录)

- laughable (可笑的)

5. 中英文对照:

laughing - 笑,大笑

correctly - 正确地

pronunciation - 发音

laughing - 笑,大笑

correctly - 正确地

pronunciation - 发音



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