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ADIZ是什么意思? ADIZ翻译(中文文):Air Defens hellip

ADIZ是指空中防御识别区(Air Defense Identification Zone),是设立的一种特殊的空域管制区域,用于保护本国领空和防止未经许可的飞行器进入。这些区域通常位于国境线附近,可以延伸到其他的领空。

ADIZ是什么意思? ADIZ翻译(中文文):Air Defens hellip



例句1:The military aircraft entered the ADIZ of the neighboring country without permission.


例句2:In response to the increasing number of unauthorized flights, the government decided to establish an ADIZ.


例句3:Pilots are required to report their flight plans before entering an ADIZ.


例句4:The country's ADIZ covers a large area and extends into international airspace.


例句5:The military was put on high alert when an unidentified aircraft entered the ADIZ.


同义词及用法:Air Defense Identification Zone可以简称为ADIZ,也可以被称为Air Defense Identification Area(ADIA)或者Air Defense Identification Region(ADIR)。



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