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acute angle是什么意思? acute angle翻译(中文文):锐角

怎么读(音标):/əˈkjuːt ˈæŋɡl/


例句1:The angle formed by the hands of a clock at 3 o'clock is an acute angle.

acute angle是什么意思? acute angle翻译(中文文):锐角


例句2:In an equilateral triangle, all three angles are acute angles.


例句3:The acute angle between the two walls made it difficult to fit the furniture in the corner.


例句4:The pilot had to make an acute angle turn to avoid hitting the mountain.


例句5:The teacher used a protractor to measure the acute angles in the students' drawings.



1. Sharp angle: This is another term used to describe an acute angle, as it conveys the idea of a small and pointed angle.

2. Narrow angle: This can also be used to refer to an acute angle, as it emphasizes that it is smaller than other angles.

3. Acute triangle: This is a type of triangle where all three angles are acute angles.

4. Pointed angle: This is a descriptive term for an acute angle, as it emphasizes the sharpness of the angle.

5. Less than 90 degrees: This phrase can be used to describe an acute angle, as it is the defining characteristic of this type of angle.


锐角是指两条直线或者线段的夹角小于90度的角。它是三角形的一种类型,具有两条边都比直角小的特点。锐角在日常生活中经常出现,比如钟表上指针所形成的角、家具放置在墙角时遇到的问题等。同义词包括sharp angle、narrow angle、acute triangle等,它们都强调了锐角的特点。要注意与其他类型的三角形进行区分,以免混淆。


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