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actualize是什么意思? actualize翻译(中文文):实现, 实




1. The company is actively working to actualize its goals and increase profits. 公司正在积极努力实现其目标并增加利润。

actualize是什么意思? actualize翻译(中文文):实现, 实

2. It took years of hard work and dedication for her to actualize her dream of becoming a doctor. 她花了多年的努力和奉献才实现了成为一名医生的梦想。

3. The government's policies aim to actualize social equality and justice. 的旨在实现社会平等和公正。

4. He was able to actualize his potential and become a successful businessman. 他成功地发挥出自己的潜力,成为一名成功的商人。

5. The artist's goal was to actualize his vision through his paintings. 艺术家的目标是通过他的画作来实现他的愿景。


1. Realize: 意为“认识到”,“意识到”,指通过思考或经验而获得某种知识或理解。:“I didn't realize how much I missed my family until I moved away.”(我没有意识到我有多想念我的家人直到我搬走了。)

2. Achieve: 意为“达成”,“实现”,指通过努力或行动而达到某个目标或结果。:“She achieved her dream of becoming a famous actress.”(她实现了成为一名著名演员的梦想。)

3. Fulfill: 意为“履行”,“满足”,指完成某项任务或满足某种需求。:“He fulfilled his promise to help her with the project.”(他履行了帮助她完成这个项目的承诺。)

4. Materialize: 意为“具体化”,“变为现实”,指把想法或计划变为具体的形式。:“The plans for the new building finally materialized after months of negotiations.”(经过数月的谈判,新建筑的计划终于变为现实。)




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