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acknowledged是什么意思? acknowledged翻译(中文文):公

acknowledged是什么意思? acknowledged翻译(中文文):公认的,被承认的

怎么读(音标): [əkˈnɑlɪdʒd]



1. She is an acknowledged expert in the field of neuroscience. 她是神经科学领域公认的专家。

acknowledged是什么意思? acknowledged翻译(中文文):公

2. The company's success is largely due to the acknowledged leadership of its CEO. 公司的成功在很大程度上归功于其首席执行官公认的领导能力。

3. The government has acknowledged the need for reform in the education system. 已经承认了教育需要改革。

4. He was acknowledged as one of the most influential artists of his time. 他被公认为当时最具影响力的艺术家之一。

5. The author's work has been widely acknowledged for its originality and depth. 这位作者的作品因其独创性和深度而得到广泛的认可。

同义词及用法:recognized, accepted, admitted, affirmed



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