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accurate什么意思? accurate翻译(中文文):正确的, 精确


怎么读(音标): accurate的音标为/ˈækjərət/。

用法:accurate可以作为形容词或副词使用。作为形容词时,它通常放在名词前面,表示该名词具有准确性或无误性。:“The accurate measurement of time is crucial for this experiment.”(时间的准确测量对这个实验至关重要。)作为副词时,它通常放在动词后面,表示某件事情被做得非常准确和无误。:“She answered the questions accurately.”(她准确地回答了问题。)

accurate什么意思? accurate翻译(中文文):正确的, 精确


1. The scientist's accurate calculations led to a groundbreaking discovery.(科学家精确的计算导致了一项突破性。)

2. It is important to provide accurate information in a news report.(在新闻报道中提供准确的信息很重要。)

3. He has an accurate memory and can remember details from years ago.(他记忆力很好,能够记住多年前的细节。)

4. The weather forecast was not accurate and it ended up raining all day.(天气预报不准确,结果整天都下雨了。)

5. The teacher praised the student for his accurate pronunciation of difficult words.(老师赞扬这位学生对难词的准确发音。)

同义词及用法:accurate的同义词包括correct、precise、exact等。它们都可以用来表示某件事物或信息的准确性和无误性。:“The precise measurements were crucial for the success of the project.”(精确的测量对项目的成功至关重要。)



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