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according to是什么意思,according to的翻译,according to

一:according to是什么意思

according to是一个介词短语,意为“根据、按照”。它可以用来引导一个句子或者短语,表示某件事情的依据或者来源。在英语中,它通常用来引述他人的观点或者给出某件事情的解释。

according to的翻译


according to是什么意思,according to的翻译,according to

according to的意思



/əˈkɔːrdɪŋ tuː/


1. 用作介词,后面接名词或者代词作宾语。

:According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow. (根据天气预报,明天会下雨。)

They made their decision according to their own interests. (他们根据自己的利益做出了决定。)

2. 用作副词,后面接动词原形。

:The report was written according to the instructions. (这份报告是按照指示书写的。)

She did everything according to plan. (她一切都按计划进行。)

3. 用于句首作为插入语。

:According to the latest news, the stock market has crashed again.(根据最新消息,股市再次崩盘了。)


1. According to the survey, most people prefer to work from home. (根据调查,大多数人更喜欢在家工作。)

2. The price of the house is determined according to its location and size. (这栋房子的价格是根据它的位置和大小来确定的。)

3. According to the rules, you are not allowed to bring your own food into the museum. (根据规定,你不能把自己的食物带进博物馆。)

4. The project will be completed according to schedule. (这个项目将按时完成。)

5. According to my calculations, we will need at least 100,000 dollars for this project. (根据我的计算,我们至少需要10万美元来完成这个项目。)


1. in accordance with:与…一致、按照

:In accordance with the contract, we will pay you 30% of the total amount in advance.(根据合同,我们会先支付您总金额的30%。)

2. as stated by:如…所述、依照…所说

:As stated by the witness, the suspect was seen running away from the scene of crime.(如目击证人所述,嫌疑人被看到从犯罪现场逃跑。)

3. based on:基于、根据

:The decision was made based on the results of our research.(这个决定是基于我们的研究结果做出的。)

4. in line with:与…一致、符合

:Our actions are in line with the company's policies and regulations.(我们的行为符合公司的和规定。)

5. pursuant to:根据、依据

:Pursuant to the court order, the defendant is required to pay a fine of $10,000.(根据命令,被告需要支付1万美元的罚款。)


according to是一个常用的介词短语,意为“根据、按照”。它可以用来引述他人的观点或者给出某件事情的解释。除了作为介词使用外,它还可以作为副词和插入语。同义词包括in accordance with、as stated by、based on等。在写作中,我们可以灵活运用这些同义词来丰富句子结构,使文章更加生动有趣。


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