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accommodation是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典

一:accommodation是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典的意思:


accommodation是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典




1. 作为名词时,accommodation可以表示提供住宿服务的场所。

:We have booked an accommodation near the beach for our vacation. (我们已经预订了一家靠近海滩的住宿地点来度假。)

2. 也可以表示调整或适应自己以适应新环境或情况。

:It takes time to get used to a new job, but I'm sure you will find accommodation soon. (适应新工作需要时间,但我相信你很快就会找到合适的方式。)

3. 在旅游领域,accommodation通常指提供住宿服务的场所。

:There are many accommodations available in this area, you can choose the one that suits you best. (这个地区有很多住宿选择,你可以选择最适合你的那一个。)


1. The accommodation we booked has a beautiful view of the mountains. (我们预订的住宿有一处美丽的山景。)

2. It's important to find suitable accommodation when traveling to a new place. (去一个新地方旅游时,找到合适的住宿很重要。)

3. The hotel provides different types of accommodation, such as single rooms, double rooms and suites. (这家酒店提供不同类型的住宿,如单人房、双人房和套房。)

4. She had to make some accommodations in her daily routine after moving to a new city. (搬到新城市后,她不得不在日常生活中做出一些调整。)

5. He was able to find temporary accommodation until he found a permanent place to live. (他找到了临时住所,直到找到一个永久居所为止。)


1. lodging:指提供短期居住服务的地方,通常指旅馆、酒店等。

:We found cheap lodgings near the train station for our trip.(我们在火车站附近找到了便宜的住宿来进行旅行。)

2. residence:指长期居住的地方,可以指公寓、别墅等。

:He moved to a new residence after getting a job in the city. (他在城市找到工作后搬到了新的居所。)

3. housing:指提供住宿服务的房屋,也可以指住房问题。

:The government is working on solving the housing problem for low-income families. (正在解决低收入家庭的住房问题。)

4. shelter:指提供临时或短期居所的地方,通常指避难所或临时救助中心。

:The homeless people found shelter in an abandoned building during the storm. (暴风雨期间,无家可归的人们在一栋废弃建筑中找到了避难所。)




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