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accidental是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典




accidental是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典

1. 形容词,表示不可预料或不重要的事物。

2. 名词,指偶然发生的事情或。


1. The discovery of penicillin was an accidental one, but it has saved millions of lives. (青霉素的是一个偶然的,但它挽救了数百万人的生命。)

2. I didn't mean to break your vase, it was purely accidental. (我并不是故意打破你的花瓶,这纯粹是个意外。)

3. The company's success was not accidental, it was the result of years of hard work and dedication. (公司的成功并非偶然,而是多年来辛勤工作和奉献的结果。)

4. The accident was caused by an accidental discharge of the gun. (这起事故是由意外发射造成的。)

5. His promotion to manager was not accidental, he had worked hard and proven himself capable for the position. (他被提升为经理并非偶然,他曾经努力工作并证明自己有能力担任这个职位。)


1. fortuitous: 偶然发生的;幸运的

例句:The team's victory was a fortuitous one, as their opponents had several key players injured. (球队的胜利是幸运的,因为他们的对手有几名主要球员受伤。)

2. incidental: 偶然发生的;附带的

例句:The damage to the car was incidental to the main accident. (车子的损坏是主要事故的附带损害。)

3. unexpected: 意外的;出乎意料的

例句:Her sudden resignation was unexpected, as she had always seemed happy with her job. (她突然辞职出乎意料,因为她之前一直对工作很满意。)

4. chance: 偶然发生的;机会

例句:I took a chance and applied for the job, and luckily I got it. (我冒险申请了这份工作,幸运地得到了它。)

5. coincidental: 巧合的;同时发生的

例句:It was coincidental that we both ended up in the same city at the same time. (我们同时来到同一个城市纯属巧合。)




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