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accepting是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典


accepting是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典

二:怎么读(音标): [əkˈseptɪŋ]

三:用法:accepting可以作为形容词或者动词使用。作为形容词时,表示“乐于接受的,愿意接受的”,:“She has an accepting attitude towards criticism.”(她对批评持有一种乐于接受的态度。)作为动词时,表示“接受,承认”,:“I have to accept the fact that I failed the exam.”(我必须接受我考试失败的事实。)


1. She is very accepting of other people's differences.(她对别人的差异非常包容。)

2. The company is not accepting any new job applications at the moment.(公司目前不接受任何新的工作申请。)

3. He had a hard time accepting his defeat in the game.(他很难接受自己在比赛中的失败。)

4. The school has a policy of accepting students from diverse backgrounds.(学校有一个,可以接收来自不同背景的学生。)

5. The government is not accepting any responsibility for the current economic crisis.(不承担当前经济危机的任何责任。)


1. Agree to: 表示“同意”,:“I agree to your proposal.”(我同意你的提议。)

2. Approve of: 表示“赞同,认可”,:“I approve of your decision.”(我赞同你的决定。)

3. Embrace: 表示“欣然接受,拥抱”,:“She embraced the new culture with open arms.”(她欣然接受了新的文化。)

4. Acknowledge: 表示“承认,接受”,:“He acknowledged his mistake and apologized.”(他承认了自己的错误并道歉。)

5. Embrace: 表示“欣然接受,拥抱”,:“She embraced the new culture with open arms.”(她欣然接受了新的文化。)




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