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a call to arms是什么意思? a call to arms翻译(中文文)

一:a call to arms是什么意思? a call to arms翻译(中文文)的意思是号召人们参加战争或者进行斗争的呼吁。

二:怎么读(音标):[ə kɔːl tuː ɑːmz]

a call to arms是什么意思? a call to arms翻译(中文文)

三:用法:a call to arms通常指的是一种紧急的、重要的、激励人心的呼吁,用于号召人们团结起来,共同应对某种挑战或者战争。这个短语源自拉丁语“ad arma”,意为“向武器”,在古代常被用作口号。


1. The general made a passionate call to arms, urging all able-bodied men to join the fight against the invaders. (将发出了激情的号召,敦促所有健壮的男子加入对抗入侵者的战斗。)

2. The president's speech was seen as a call to arms for the nation, rallying citizens to stand up against injustice and inequality. (的讲话被视为的动员令,鼓舞公民站起来不公和不平等。)

3. The environmental crisis has become a call to arms for activists and concerned citizens around the world. (环境危机已经成为全球活动家和关心公民的动员令。)

4. The terrorist attack was a call to arms for the government, prompting them to take immediate action to ensure the safety of its citizens. (恐怖袭击是的动员令,促使他们立即采取行动,确保公民的安全。)

5. The coach's pre-game speech was a powerful call to arms, motivating the team to give their all on the field. (教练的赛前讲话是一次强有力的动员令,激励球队在场上全力以赴。)

五:同义词及用法:a call to arms可以与以下短语互换使用:

1. a rallying cry:号召人们团结起来共同应对挑战或者战争。

2. a plea for action:呼吁人们采取行动。

3. a battle cry:战斗口号,表示准备好参加战斗。

4. a war cry:战争口号,表示准备好参加战争。

5. a clarion call:高亢的呼喊,鼓舞人心的呼唤。


a call to arms是一种紧急、重要、激励人心的呼吁,通常用于号召人们团结起来应对某种挑战或者战争。它源自拉丁语“ad arma”,意为“向武器”,在古代常被用作口号。同义短语包括a rallying cry、a plea for action等。这个短语具有强烈的战斗意味,可以用于各种场合,如、、环保等。


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