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1. The flounder is a type of flatfish that can be found in both saltwater and freshwater environments. (鲽是一种可以在咸水和淡水环境中的扁平鱼类。)

2. The flounder uses its camouflage to hide in the sandy bottom of the ocean, waiting for its prey. (鲽利用其伪装能力藏身于海洋沙滩的沙质底部,等待猎物。)

3. The fisherman caught a large flounder while fishing in the bay. (渔民在海湾钓鱼时捕获了一条大型鲽。)

4. The team was floundering in the first half of the game, but they managed to turn things around and win in the end. (球队在上半场比赛中处于被动局面,但最终他们设法扭转局势并获胜。)

5. After losing his job, John floundered for months before finally finding a new one. (约翰失去工作后,他在几个月内一直很艰难地生活,最终找到了一份新工作。)


1. Struggle: to make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction (挣扎,努力摆脱束缚)

例句:The fish struggled on the line before the fisherman finally reeled it in.


2. Flap: to move with a quick, light, or irregular motion (拍打,拍动)

例句:The flounder flapped its fins as it tried to swim away from the predator.


3. Fumble: to move clumsily or unsteadily; to handle something in a clumsy or unskillful way (笨拙地移动;笨手笨脚地处理事情)

例句:She fumbled with the keys, trying to unlock the door in the dark.


4. Stumble: to make an error or blunder; to trip in walking or running (犯错误;跌倒)

例句:The speaker stumbled over his words during the speech.


5. Wallow: to roll oneself about in a lazy, relaxed, or ungainly manner (懒洋洋地打滚)

例句:The pig wallowed in the mud, enjoying the coolness on a hot summer day.





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