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High-definition (HD) refers to a type of video or image display with a higher resolution and quality than standard definition (SD). It is characterized by a clearer, sharper, and more detailed picture.



[hahy-def-uh-nish-uh n]


High-definition is often used to describe digital media that has a resolution of at least 1280x720 pixels or 1920x1080 pixels. It can refer to both video and images, such as movies, TV shows, photographs, and computer graphics. The term is also commonly used in the marketing of electronic devices like televisions, cameras, and computer monitors.


1. The new TV has a high-definition screen that provides a crystal-clear picture. (这台新电视有一个高清屏幕,能提供清晰透彻的画面。)

2. I love watching movies in high-definition because the colors are so vibrant. (我喜欢看高清电影,因为颜色非常鲜艳。)

3. The photographer always uses high-definition cameras to capture the smallest details in his photos. (摄影师总是使用高清相机来捕捉照片中最细微的细节。)

4. This video game has stunning graphics thanks to its high-definition capabilities. (这款视频游戏拥有惊人的图像,多亏了它的高清能力。)

5. The documentary was filmed in high-definition, making it feel like we were right there with the animals in the wild. (这部纪录片是用高清摄像机拍摄的,让我们感觉就像和野生动物在一起一样。)


1. High-res (abbreviation for high-resolution): This term is often used informally to refer to high-definition images or videos.

2. Full HD (abbreviation for full high definition): This term refers to a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, which is the highest standard for consumer television and computer monitors.

3. Ultra HD (abbreviation for ultra-high definition): This term refers to a resolution of 3840x2160 pixels, also known as 4K, which is currently the highest standard for consumer televisions.

4. 1080p: This term is used to describe a video or image with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, commonly seen on Blu-ray discs and streaming services.

5. Retina display: This term is used by Apple to describe their high-resolution screens on devices such as iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks.


High-definition has become the standard for video and image quality in today's digital world. It allows us to see more detail and experience more vivid colors in our media consumption. With the constant advancements in technology, we can expect even higher resolutions and sharper images in the future. Whether it's watching a movie, playing a video game, or capturing memories with a camera, high-definition enhances our visual experience and brings us closer to reality.


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