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Deception and exploitation in obtaining food and drinks.


读音:[dɪˈsɛpʃən ænd ˌɛksplɔɪˈteɪʃən ɪn əbˈtɛnɪŋ fuːd ænd drɪŋks]



1. She was known for her deception and exploitation tactics in getting free meals from restaurants.(她以欺骗手段在餐厅里获取免费餐点而出名。)

2. The scam artist was arrested for his deception and exploitation scheme of tricking people into buying overpriced drinks.(这名诈骗犯因为他的欺骗手段,利用欺诈人们购买高价饮料的计划被逮捕。)

3. The documentary exposed the truth behind the deception and exploitation of workers in the food industry.(这部纪录片揭露了食品行业工人受到的欺骗和剥削。)

4. He was fired from his job for his constant deception and exploitation of the company's expense account to fund his extravagant meals.(他因为经常利用公司的报销账户来资助他奢侈的膳食,而被解雇。)

5. The government is cracking down on businesses that engage in deception and exploitation of consumers through false advertising.(正在打击那些通过虚假广告欺骗和剥削消费者的企业。)


1. Scamming and swindling in obtaining food and drinks.(在获取食物和饮料方面的欺诈和诈骗。)

2. Cheating and defrauding for free meals and drinks.(为了免费的食物和饮料而欺骗和诈骗。)

3. Exploitation and manipulation in getting free food and beverages.(在获取免费食物和饮料方面的剥削和操纵。)

4. Deceitful practices for obtaining meals and drinks without paying.(通过欺诈手段来获取免费膳食和饮料。)




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