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The meaning of "食堂用英语怎么说" is "How to say canteen in English".







1. Can you tell me how to say canteen in English? (你能告诉我如何用英语说“食堂”吗?)

2. I need to know the English word for 食堂. (我需要知道“食堂”的英文单词。)

3. How do you call the place where students eat at school? (你们学校里学生吃饭的地方叫什么?)

4. The canteen offers a variety of food options. (这个食堂提供多种选择的食物。)

5. In some countries, canteens are also known as cafeterias. (在一些,食堂也被称为自助餐厅。)


1. cafeteria - This word is commonly used in American English and refers to a place where meals are served, usually in a school or workplace.

2. dining hall - This term is often used in British English and refers to a large room where people eat together, such as in a university or military base.

3. mess hall - This is a term used in the military to refer to a place where soldiers eat their meals.

4. refectory - This word is more formal and refers to a dining hall in a monastery, college, or other institution.

5. lunchroom - This is another informal term for canteen, often used in schools.


通过本文,我们学习了如何用英语表达“食堂”,并且还介绍了几个同义词及用法。当我们需要询问或指导如何在英语中表达“食堂”时,可以使用“食堂用英语怎么说”这个短语。同时,我们还可以使用同义词如cafeteria、dining hall等来代替canteen。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地应对英语交流中遇到的相关问题。


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