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Leap in English means to make a sudden and significant progress or improvement.





Leap is a verb that can be used both transitively and intransitively. It means to jump or move quickly and suddenly from one place to another, or to make a sudden change or progress. It can also refer to taking a big risk or making a bold move.


1. She leaped over the fence and ran away.


2. The company has leaped ahead of its compes with its innovative technology.


3. He decided to take a leap of faith and quit his stable job to pursue his dream.


4. The stock market has seen a huge leap in the past month.


5. With hard work and determination, she leaped from an unknown actress to an A-list celebrity.



1. Jump - Similar to leap, jump also means to move quickly by pushing oneself off the ground with one's legs.

2. Bound - This word emphasizes the forceful and energetic nature of the movement.

3. Spring - It suggests a sudden and light movement, often with the help of a spring or elastic force.

4. Vault - This word refers to jumping over something, especially with the use of one's hands or a pole.

5. Surge - It can be used figuratively to describe a sudden increase or improvement.


Leap is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to describe sudden and significant movements, changes, or progress. It can also convey the idea of taking risks and making bold moves. Other words such as jump, bound, spring, vault, and surge can be used as alternatives depending on the specific meaning one wants to convey.


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