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Wind resistance coefficient


[wɪnd rɪˈzɪstəns kəʊˈɛfɪʃənt]





1. The wind resistance coefficient of a car is an important factor in determining its fuel efficiency. (汽车的风阻系数是决定其燃油效率的重要因素。)

2. A streamlined design can greatly reduce the wind resistance coefficient of a plane. (流线型设计可以大大降低飞机的风阻系数。)

3. The engineers are working on improving the wind resistance coefficient of the new model to make it more aerodynamic. (工程师们正在努力改善新模型的风阻系数,使其更具空气动力学性能。)

4. The wind resistance coefficient is also affected by external factors such as air temperature and humidity. (风阻系数也受外部因素如气温和湿度的影响。)

5. By reducing the wind resistance coefficient, cyclists can achieve higher speeds with less effort. (通过降低风阻系数,骑行者可以以更小的力气达到更高的速度。)


1. Aerodynamic drag coefficient: This term is commonly used in the field of aerodynamics to describe the resistance of an object to motion through air.

2. Air resistance coefficient: This term is often used interchangeably with wind resistance coefficient, as both refer to the resistance of an object to air flow.

3. Drag coefficient: Similar to aerodynamic drag coefficient, this term is used to measure the air resistance of an object in motion.

4. Wind drag coefficient: This term specifically refers to the drag force caused by wind on a moving object.

5. Airfoil drag coefficient: This term is used specifically for objects with a streamlined shape, such as airplane wings or car bodies.


风阻系数是一个重要的物理量,它可以衡量物体在空气中运动时所受到的阻力大小。对于设计和改进车辆、飞机等物体的空气动力学性能来说,和降低风阻系数是至关重要的。除了常用的“wind resistance coefficient”外,还有其他几个同义词可以用来描述这一概念,但它们都指向同一个物理量。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确地解释和描述这些专业术语,帮助读者更好地理解并正确使用它们。


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