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Qinghai-Tibet Railway

[ˌtʃɪŋˈhaɪ ˈtɪbət ˈreɪlweɪ]


1. 青藏铁路 (Qinghai-Tibet Railway) - 一条连接青海省和区的高速铁路,全长1956公里,是世界上最高的铁路线路。


The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is a high-speed railway that connects Qinghai Province and Tibet Autonomous Region in China. It is 1956 kilometers long and is the highest railway in the world.

例句 (Example Sentences):

1. 青藏铁路是西部地区最重要的交通枢纽之一,为当地经济发展和旅游业带来了巨大的影响力。

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is one of the most important transportation hubs in western China, bringing great impact on local economic development and tourism.

2. 坐上青藏铁路,可以欣赏到壮美的高原风光,体验不一样的旅行方式。

Taking the Qinghai-Tibet Railway allows you to enjoy the magnificent plateau scenery and experience a unique way of traveling.

3. 青藏铁路是一项技术壮举,克服了高原气候、地质条件等多项挑战,在建设过程中创造了多项世界纪录。

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is a technological feat that overcame many challenges such as high-altitude climate and geology, and set multiple world records during its construction.

4. 乘坐青藏铁路,可以领略到不同民族的文化风情,感受西部地区的多样性。

Taking the Qinghai-Tibet Railway allows you to experience the cultural diversity of different ethnic groups and feel the diversity of western China.

5. 青藏铁路的开通,缩短了与内地的距离,为的经济发展和民生改善带来了巨大的机遇。

The opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has shortened the distance between Tibet and mainland China, bringing great opportunities for economic development and improvement of people's livelihood in Tibet.

同义词及用法 (Synonyms and Usage):

1. 青藏线 (Qinghai-Tibet Line) - 与青藏铁路相同,指连接青海省和区的铁路线路。

2. 西青线 (Western Qing Line) - 指连接西部地区的铁路线路。

3. 高原铁路 (Plateau Railway) - 指建在高原地区的铁路。

4. 高速铁路 (High-speed Railway) - 指设计时速在250公里以上的铁路。

编辑总结 (Editor's Summary):



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