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Random English


[ˈrændəm ˈɪŋglɪʃ]

noun. a language that is spoken or written without any specific order or purpose, often resulting in unpredictable or illogical sentences.

Example sentences:

1. My thoughts are just random English, I can't seem to think straight.


2. The AI's response was just a jumble of random English words, it made no sense.


3. She started speaking in random English after a few drinks, much to the amusement of her friends.


4. The instructions were written in such random English that I couldn't understand how to assemble the furniture.


5. His essay was a mess of random English and typos, it was clear he had rushed through it.


Synonyms and usage:

- Haphazard language: used to describe speech or writing that is disorganized and lacks structure.

- Incoherent language: used to describe speech or writing that is unclear and difficult to understand due to being illogical or disorganized.

Editor's summary:

Random English refers to language that is spoken or written without any specific order or purpose, often resulting in unpredictable or illogical sentences. It can be used to describe disorganized or unclear speech and writing. Synonyms include haphazard and incoherent language.


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