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The meaning of "阴天" in English is "overcast" or "cloudy".


The pronunciation of "阴天" is [yīn tiān].


"阴天" is an adjective that describes the weather condition when the sky is covered with clouds and there is little or no sunshine. It can also be used as a noun to refer to a day with this type of weather.


1. 今天是个阴天,最好带把伞出门。 (Today is overcast, it's best to bring an umbrella when going out.)

2. 明天预报会有大雨,所以今晚应该收拾好家里,以免被阴天的雨水淋湿。(There will be heavy rain forecasted tomorrow, so we should tidy up the house tonight to avoid getting wet by the overcast rain.)

3. 她喜欢在阴天的日子里静静地坐在窗前,看着外面的景色。(She enjoys sitting quietly by the window on overcast days, watching the scenery outside.)

4. 阳光明媚的日子总是比阴天的更让人愉悦。(Sunny days are always more pleasant than overcast ones.)

5. 在这个小镇上,每年都有几个月都是阴天,人们习惯了这样的气候。(In this small town, there are several months of overcast days every year, and people have gotten used to this climate.)


1. Cloudy - describes the weather condition when there are a lot of clouds in the sky, but it can also refer to a person's mood or thoughts.

2. Overcast - similar to "cloudy", but specifically refers to when the sky is completely covered with clouds.

3. Dreary - describes a day with dull and depressing weather.

4. Gloomy - similar to "dreary", but often used to describe someone's mood or surroundings.

5. Dismal - describes a day with dark and depressing weather.


In conclusion, "阴天" is an adjective that describes the weather condition when the sky is covered with clouds and there is little or no sunshine. It can also be used as a noun to refer to a day with this type of weather. Some synonyms for "阴天" include cloudy, overcast, dreary, gloomy, and dismal. Remember to bring an umbrella when going out on an overcast day!


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