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The meaning of "闪烁用英语怎么说" in English is "how to say twinkle in English".


The pronunciation of "twinkle" is /ˈtwɪŋ.kəl/.


"Twinkle" is a verb that means to shine with a flickering or sparkling light. It can also be used as a noun to refer to a brief or intermittent gleam or sparkle.


1. The stars twinkle in the night sky. (星星在夜空中闪烁。)

2. Her eyes twinkled with amusement. (她的眼睛因为开心而闪烁。)

3. The Christmas lights on the tree twinkled merrily. (圣诞树上的灯光欢快地闪烁。)

4. The fireflies twinkled in the darkness of the forest. (萤火虫在森林的黑暗中闪烁。)

5. The diamond on her finger twinkled in the sunlight. (她手指上的钻石在阳光下闪耀。)


- Sparkle: to shine brightly with flashes of light.

- Gleam: to shine softly and briefly.

- Glitter: to shine with small, bright, flashing reflections.

These words are all synonyms for "twinkle" and can be used interchangeably depending on the context.


In conclusion, "twinkle" is a versatile word that can be used to describe the shining or gleaming of something in a flickering or intermittent manner. It is often associated with stars, lights, and shiny objects. Remember to use it as a verb or noun depending on the sentence structure. Also, feel free to use its synonyms to add variety and depth to your writing.


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