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1. 锐意创新 (ruì yì chuàng xīn)

Meaning: to be innovative and imaginative, to have the determination to create something new and original.


Usage: This phrase is often used to describe individuals or organizations that are constantly pushing boundaries and coming up with fresh ideas.

Example 1: As a company, we pride ourselves on our ability to think outside the box and always strive to be at the forefront of technology. We believe that being innovative is key to our success.


Example 2: The education system needs to encourage students to be more creative and have a mindset of being constantly curious and eager to innovate.


Synonyms: innovative, imaginative, inventive, original


2. 音标 (yīn biāo)

Meaning: phonetic symbols used in dictionaries or language learning materials to indicate the pronunciation of words.

Usage: In order for non-native speakers to accurately pronounce words in a foreign language, they often rely on the phonetic symbols provided in dictionaries.

Example 1: I struggled with pronouncing certain words in French until I started using a dictionary with phonetic symbols. It made a huge difference in my speaking abilities.


Example 2: The English language has many words that are spelled differently but have the same pronunciation. In these cases, phonetic symbols can be very helpful in distinguishing between them.


Synonyms: pronunciation guide, phonetic transcription


3. 用法 (yòng fǎ)

Meaning: usage, how something is used or applied in a specific context.

Usage: This term is often used when discussing the correct or appropriate way to use something.

Example 1: When learning a new language, it's important to not only learn vocabulary and grammar, but also the correct usage of words in different situations.


Example 2: The usage of certain words can vary depending on regional dialects or cultural backgrounds. It's important to be aware of these differences when communicating with others.


Synonyms: application, implementation, utilization


4. 例句 (lì jù)

Meaning: example sentence(s), a sentence that illustrates the meaning and usage of a word or phrase.

Usage: When learning new words, it's helpful to see them used in context through example sentences.

Example 1: The dictionary provides example sentences for each word, making it easier for language learners to understand how to use them correctly.


Example 2: Can you give me an example sentence using the word "innovative"?


Synonyms: sample sentence(s), illustration, demonstration


5. 中英对照 (zhōng yīng duì zhào)

Meaning: Chinese-English comparison, a side-by-side comparison of a text in Chinese and English.

Usage: This term is often used when translating texts or documents from Chinese to English or vice versa.

Example 1: The translation agency provided us with a 中英对照 version of the contract so that we could easily compare the two languages.


Example 2: When studying Chinese, I always find it helpful to have a 中英对照 version of the text so I can better understand the meaning and structure of each sentence.


Synonyms: parallel text, bilingual comparison


Editor's summary:

In conclusion, the phrase 锐意创新 (ruì yì chuàng xīn) refers to being innovative and imaginative, while 音标 (yīn biāo) is the phonetic symbols used to indicate pronunciation. 用法 (yòng fǎ) describes the correct usage of words in different contexts, and 例句 (lì jù) are example sentences that illustrate the meaning and usage of a word. 中英对照 (zhōng yīng duì zhào) is a Chinese-English comparison used for translation purposes. By constantly striving to be innovative and having a mindset of being open to new ideas, we can continue to push boundaries and achieve success.


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